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Sunday 4th and Bank Holiday Monday 5th May 2025

Steve Adams

Watercolour artist

Steve Adams

I started drawing while I was doing a philosophy degree in 1967 and moved on to painting in gouache using poster paints shortly after. My aunt was attending courses in landscape watercolour painting and she encouraged me to try watercolour, and that’s what I’ve been doing ever since. In recent years, however, I have used pen in a variety of ways, because I like the sharpness of it against the colour. My subjects are generally landscapes; it is landscapes that excite me and make me want to paint. I am often attracted by landscapes which include buildings.

Over the years, I’ve been on a number of courses, including working with Peter Woolley, in Derby and online. More recently, I’ve been experimenting with gouache again, but using water-based paints, and I like the flexibility this gives me.